

Carousel, in the context of social media, is an interactive post format that allows users to include multiple pieces of content. The content can be images, videos, or a combination of both. The viewer can swipe, scroll, or click through the different slides, creating an engaging storytelling experience.

This post type is used widely across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Cute cats are often the stars of these platforms. Even when carousels involve more serious subject matter, the inherent appeal of cute cats can be harnessed.

One way that 'serious' businesses, influencers, and marketers make carousel posts cuter—thus appealing to more viewers and, potentially, their cats—is by using steps, comparisons, and storytelling formats. A step-by-step guide, for example, might double as an interactive cat tutorial. 'You're not swiping; you're not scrolling!

You're engaging with interactive content, which is good for you just as it is for your cat right now. '

Then there's the design aspect to consider. A successful carousel is visually cohesive, with seamless color, type, and image transitions.

It is so appealing that users find it hard not to swipe through to the end. The end is a pun-filled call to action that involves the viewer liking, commenting, sharing, or clicking on a link.

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